06 February 2022
To support energy-saving policies, WorkPoint conducted a change of all its air conditioners to Energy Saving Label 5 models, which have a higher cooling efficiency but are more energy efficient.

04 February 2022
WorkPoint collectively initiated a change in its office lighting system by replacing 36-watt fluorescent bulbs with 18-watt LED bulbs, totaling 1,500 bulbs, which resulted in a reduction of its energy consumption by 50%.

14 November 2021
To support the energy conservation policy, WorkPoint has installed “solar cells” that can produce more than 2,000 watts of electricity per year and will be used as lighting for the parking building area.

16 October 2021
WorkPoint organized an online training course titled, “Digital Transformation and Media Planning,” which was led by experts in digital marketing planning that provided insights on key current technologies.

28 February 2021